Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is very popular right now, not only for weight loss, but also for feeling better. It can be easily adapted to any lifestyle. It is a diet where you eat and fast for a certain number of hours. There are several options for intermittent fasting: 12:12, 16:8 and 20:4. The first number indicates how many hours a day you need to fast, and the second number indicates the hours of eating. Intermittent fasting does not follow any strict diet, the most important thing is the period during which you need to go without food.

Unlike diets that cause the body to lose muscle mass along with fat, intermittent fasting only burns fat. Also, if this diet is followed regularly, the weight does not come back.

What is the 16:8 Diet?

This is the most popular option for intermittent fasting. This methodology is quite simple, as such intermittent fasting can simply mean not eating after dinner and skipping breakfast. While some avoid eating late and stick to the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule.

The benefits of intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting can not only be an effective way to lose weight and improve your body contours, but it can also improve your health. Adhering to this diet for a longer period of time can also lead to other positive changes: increase endurance during training; improve psychological state, brain activity and memory; give more energy; improve sleep quality; activate bowel activity.

5 principles without which intermittent fasting does not work

Intermittent fasting takes time, patience and discipline. To feel the results of this diet regimen, you need to follow it for a longer period of time. It is also necessary to consider other elements of intermittent fasting.

1. Water

During the period when you do not eat, you must remember to drink plenty of fluids. Basically it should be water, although you can also drink coffee in the morning, but it should be without sugar, milk or other additives. You can also use unsweetened teas. Adequate amount of water improves metabolism in the body.

2. Exercise

Light exercise is recommended during intermittent fasting. Exercises should be challenging enough, but easy and enjoyable, such as strength training. This will help you burn body fat and maintain muscle mass. Massages, visits to the pool and sauna are also great additional options to boost the metabolism.

3. Sleep

Sleep is extremely important for maintaining good health and beautiful body shapes. After quality rest, you will automatically want less food, so it is advisable to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

4. Balanced diet

Food should be wholesome. It must provide the body with all the most important nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pure products will provide the body with all these substances. And high-protein foods and low-calorie vegetables will help maintain strong muscle mass and ensure a feeling of satiety.

5. Moderation

Intermittent fasting will definitely not work if you consume a lot of fast food, sugar, floury meals or too many calories. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a slice of pizza, ice cream or other less healthy meals, but the most important thing is not to multiply them. Overeating should also be avoided.

Who is intermittent fasting not recommended for?

Intermittent fasting is not recommended for people with certain eating or health disorders. It is also not recommended for active sportsmen, pregnant and lactating women, children, teenagers and the elderly.

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