Honey And Its Benefits

Honey is one of the oldest food and health products. The Greeks believed that honey could prolong human life, provide freshness and health.

The origin of honey

Honey bees make nectar. It is a sweet liquid that is secreted by plants during flowering in flowers. The taste and smell of honey depends on the smell of the flowers of the plants from which the nectar is taken. It also depends on the beeswax and other scents that are present in the hive.

Types of honey

According to its origin, honey is divided into single species (monofloral) - buckwheat, linden, etc. and multispecies (polyfloral) - meadows, forests. Multi-species honey, especially conifer honey, is more valuable to humans. It contains more rare compounds.

Let's examine the value of each type of honey.

Linden honey - light yellow, sometimes yellowish green, with a pleasant smell of linden flowers. Suitable for treating colds, relieves cough, promotes sweating.

Raspberry honey - from light yellow with a greenish tint to dark as smal, after crystallizing it becomes very light with a grayish or bluish tint, it crystallizes finely, with a pleasant raspberry smell. Suitable for treating colds, relieves cough, can be used prophylactically.

Buckwheat honey - dark yellow or brown, with a sharp specific taste and smell. It is rich in iron and protein. Meadow honey is polyfloral, i.e. i.e. collected from the flowers of many plants, pleasant in taste, yellow or yellowish-brown in color. It contains a lot of aromatic substances, a lot of B group and C vitamins. It is valuable for debilitated people and for treating colds.

Forest honey - usually dark (depends on forest plants), contains a lot of minerals, potassium and sodium salts. Very useful for the human body.

Benefits of honey

It is very useful to consume honey, because it contains minerals necessary for the human body: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamins. In addition, honey has antibacterial properties.

Honey is used in cases of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, acute bronchitis) as an antibacterial and cough suppressant. When sick, honey should be taken with warm milk or tea.

Honey is effective in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the liver, hypertension and atherosclerosis, respiratory and digestive tract diseases. A honey solution drunk in the evening improves sleep and is suitable for nervous sensitive people, especially during insomnia.

Honey baths have a calming effect on the nervous system, strengthen the body, and improve sleep. Add 200 g of honey to a warm water bath, mix well and stay in the bath for 20-30 minutes.

Only natural, high-quality honey should be used for health promotion and prevention. It must have the right consistency, good taste, and no extraneous odors. It is advisable to consume 50-100 g of honey per day, eating this amount in 3-4 times.

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